Asset Allocation, Risk Tolerance, and Technical Analysis
Conventional asset allocation calls for investors to strategically sell stocks as they rise and buy stocks as they fall…. Trouble is many investors cannot follow the core precept of conventional asset allocation.
What is “Interest Rate Risk”? Are you taking too much?
One way to look at interest rate risk is to consider what happens to the value of your investment if interest rates change. Interest rate risk is fundamental to fixed income investments including U.S. Treasury bonds, notes and bills. By way of example, as of this writing a ten year Treasury note yields 2.25% to maturity….
Building a High-Performance Personalized Portfolio
Learn how to build a personalized, high-performance portfolio based on the Dow Jones Composite Average. Download Successful Portfolios newest white paper: “Yes, You Can Invest Directly in an Index”. Listed below are the seven tips we set forth for investors seeking enhanced returns in the stock market:
Need Life Insurance? Remember “Buy Term and Invest the Difference”
As a Certified Financial Planner professional, I believe that for most families with young children, not having life insurance on Mom and Dad is reckless financial behavior. The good news is term life insurance is surprisingly affordable. So if you need life insurance, should you buy term and invest the difference? The short answer is yes! …
Why Write an Investment Policy Statement (IPS)?
Why write an Investment Policy Statement (IPS)? Because an IPS can help ensure you and your investment advisor are on the same page. There are six key elements of an effective IPS for an individual investor
No-commission, No-transaction Fee ETF Lists
Schwab ETF OneSource presents a broad list of sensible no-transaction fee ETF choices. TDAmeritrade maintains an extensive list of commission -free ETFs as well. Download the lists and read Successful Portfolios analysis.
Six Steps to Successful Financial Planning
A smart financial plan can make you money and give you peace of mind. Follow these six steps to successful financial planning:
Learn about the Successful Portfolios Client Report
Learn about the Successful Portfolios Client Report, an information rich, yet concise portfolio report designed to help you understand how we invest your money.
Key Tax and Financial Data for 2015 Fact Sheet – Free Download
Successful Portfolios is pleased to offer our Key Financial Data for 2015 Fact Sheet, available here as a free download pdf. This handy fact sheet includes tax tables and retirement account contribution limits. Be sure to check back for updates as they become available. Please call Successful Portfolios at (727) 744-3614 if you have any questions Or […]
Selling Cash Secured Puts Using Our Free Excel Worksheet
Selling a cash secured put can be an effective yield enhancement strategy for cash waiting to be invested…