Grable and Lytton Risk-Tolerance Questionnaire

Welcome to the Grable and Lytton Risk-Tolerance Questionnaire. This quick and easy quiz is designed to help you understand your financial risk tolerance. Knowing your risk tolerance is essential for making informed investment decisions that align with your comfort level and financial goals.

Once you complete the quiz, your score will be instantly calculated and shown to you, providing immediate insights into your risk tolerance profile. Let’s get started!

1. In general, how would your best friend describe you as a risk taker?

A real gambler

Willing to take risks after completing adequate research


A real risk avoider

2. You are on a TV game show and can choose one of the following, which would you take?

$1,000 in cash

A 50% chance at winning $5,000

A 25% chance at winning $10,000

A 5% chance at winning $100,000

3. You have just finished saving for a “once-in-a-lifetime” vacation. Three weeks before you plan to leave, you lose your job. You would:

Cancel the vacation

Take a much more modest vacation

Go as scheduled, reasoning that you need the time to prepare for a job search

Extend your vacation, because this might be your last chance to go first-class

4. If you unexpectedly received $20,000 to invest, what would you do?

Deposit it in a bank account, money market account, or an insured CD

Invest it in safe high-quality bonds or bond mutual funds

Invest it in stocks or stock mutual funds

5. In terms of experience, how comfortable are you investing in stocks or stock mutual funds?

Not at all comfortable

Somewhat comfortable

Very comfortable

6. When you think of the word “risk,” which of the following words comes to mind first?





7. Some experts are predicting prices of assets such as gold, jewels, collectibles, and real estate (hard assets) to increase in value; bond prices may fall, however, experts tend to agree that government bonds are relatively safe. Most of your investment assets are now in high interest government bonds. What would you do?

Hold the bonds

Sell the bonds, put half the proceeds into money market accounts, and the other half into hard assets

Sell the bonds and put the total proceeds into hard assets

Sell the bonds, put all the money into hard assets, and borrow additional money to buy more

8. Given the best and worst case returns of the four investment choices below, which would you prefer?

$200 gain best case; $0 gain/loss worst case

$800 gain best case; $200 loss worst case

$2,600 gain best case; $800 loss worst case

$4,800 gain best case; $2,400 loss worst case

9. In addition to whatever you own, you have been given $1,000. You are now asked to choose between:

A sure gain of $500

A 50% chance to gain $1,000 and a 50% chance to gain nothing

10. In addition to whatever you own, you have been given $2,000. You are now asked to choose between:

A sure loss of $500

A 50% chance to lose $1,000 and a 50% chance to lose nothing

11. Suppose a relative left you an inheritance of $100,000, stipulating in the will that you invest ALL the money in ONE of the following choices. Which one would you select?

A savings account or money market mutual fund

A mutual fund that owns stocks and bonds

A portfolio of 15 common stocks

Commodities like gold, silver, and oil

12. If you had to invest $20,000, which of the following investment choices would you find most appealing?

60% in low-risk investments, 30% in medium-risk investments, 10% in high-risk investments

30% in low-risk investments, 40% in medium-risk investments, 30% in high-risk investments

10% in low-risk investments, 40% in medium-risk investments, 50% in high-risk investments

13. Your trusted friend and neighbor, an experienced geologist, is putting together a group of investors to fund an exploratory gold mining venture. The venture could pay back 50 to 100 times the investment if successful. If the mine is a bust, the entire investment is worthless. Your friend estimates the chance of success is only 20%. If you had the money, how much would you invest?


One month’s salary

Three month’s salary

Six month’s salary

About Our Risk-Tolerance Questionnaire

The Grable and Lytton Risk-Tolerance Questionnaire, trusted since 1999, is a quick and effective tool for assessing investor risk tolerance. Validated by hundreds of thousands of users, this psychometrically sound risk tolerance assessment helps investment advisors, financial planners, and clients gauge willingness to accept necessary risk in pursuit of higher returns. It provides a reliable foundation for creating personalized investment strategies aligned with individual risk comfort levels.   

Grable and Lytton Risk-Tolerance Questionnaire - Take the Quiz for an immediate score.

Did you complete our risk-tolerance questionnaire? Great! Share your score and any questions below. Our expert advisors are here to help you create a personalized investment strategy aligned with your risk tolerance and risk-return objectives. We aim to boost your investing confidence and comfort every step of the way.