Vanguard ETF Strategic Model Portfolios

The Vanguard ETF Strategic Model Portfolios, including the Core Series, are available to clients of Successful Portfolios LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. The Core Series Model earns the highest possible rating by Morningstar.

BlackRock Target ETF Model Portfolios

The BlackRock Target ETF Model Portfolios are available to clients at Successful Portfolios LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. The Models earn Morningstar’s highest rating. See the recommended allocations.

Online Broker Commission and Margin Rates Comparison Grid

Check out this Cost Comparison of Commission and Margin Rates at Interactive Brokers (IB), E*Trade, Fidelity, Scottrade, Schwab, TD Ameritrade and Vanguard. Talk to Successful Portfolios’ team of expert Certified Financial Planners and Chartered Financial Analysts. We’ll help you choose the best online broker to suit your investment management objectives.

Select Directional ETF Model

On June 24, 2016, the first trading day after BREXIT, global stock markets plunged. The S&P 500 lost nearly 4%. But our ETF Model Portfolio gained nearly 1%. This represents actual investment performance on over $2.2 million invested. Not a hypothetical simulation.

A Low-Cost Global Growth & Income ETF Portfolio

At Successful Portfolios, we recently created a low-cost Global Growth & Income Model Portfolio. A breakdown of the portfolio can be found here. Our model holds five strategically selected Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). Each ETF is available for commission-free trading through Schwab ETF OneSource. Our selected ETFs are as follows:

No-commission, No-transaction Fee ETF Lists

Schwab ETF OneSource presents a broad list of sensible no-transaction fee ETF choices. TDAmeritrade maintains an extensive list of commission -free ETFs as well. Download the lists and read Successful Portfolios analysis.

The Low Risk Anomaly

Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) is a statistical formulation of the risk reduction benefits of diversification.  Under Modern Portfolio Theory, risk is measured quantitatively as volatility or beta.  Volatility is the variance or standard deviation of an asset’s returns.  Beta is the sensitivity of an asset’s returns to the return of the overall market.  High-beta and […]

Why we love ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds)

At Successful Portfolios we consider ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) to be one the most useful, investor friendly, financial innovations of the past twenty years. For a quick primer on ETF investing…