Vanguard ETF Strategic Model Portfolios

The Vanguard ETF Strategic Model Portfolios, including the Core Series, are available to clients of Successful Portfolios LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. The Core Series Model earns the highest possible rating by Morningstar.

BlackRock Target ETF Model Portfolios

The BlackRock Target ETF Model Portfolios are available to clients at Successful Portfolios LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. The Models earn Morningstar’s highest rating. See the recommended allocations.

ARK Big Ideas – Investments with Conversational Alpha.

Check out the remarkable ARK Big Ideas 2022 slide deck. ARK’s big investment ideas include artificial intelligence (AI), battery technology, electric vehicles, green energy, blockchain including cryptocurrency, bitcoin, fintech, robotics, and automation, including 3D printing, gene sequencing, and biotechnology. It’s chock full of fun and informative futuristic factoids and tidbits.

IRA-Based Retirement Plans for Employers

Here is a simple, easy to digest, table outlining the various IRA-Based Retirement Plans available to small employers, including the self-employed.  IRA-based plans are low-cost and easy to administer for employers. These plans have the potential to save owners thousands of dollars in income taxes. Download Source File.

Wide Moat Investing Revisited

Wide moat investing works. Competitive advantage matters. Ten years ago, we first posted about wide moat investing. Since then, a booming stock market has created remarkable wealth for many investors. Here’s an update.

Buy, Sell, or Hold?

Whether you hold investments or uninvested cash, you need to know when to buy, sell, or do nothing.  It’s an unavoidable high-stakes decision…

Invest Now. Don’t Procrastinate. Avoid Hoarding Cash.

The best time to invest is now. Avoid procrastination and hoarding cash. Remember, timing the stock market or bond, or money market is hard to do. As esteemed NY Yankee Philosopher Yogi Berra once observed, “Prediction is difficult…”