At Successful Portfolios, our trained investment professionals actively seek to uncover timely and durable ideas to help our clients make more money without taking undue risk.
We leverage various resources to research potential opportunities across asset classes. Our suite of analytical tools includes the Bloomberg Professional Terminal, Morningstar Advisor Workstation, and Seeking Alpha PRO. This provides comprehensive quantitative data and qualitative insights to inform our thinking. We also tap into research relationships with leading brokerages like Charles Schwab and Interactive Brokers to stay abreast of analyst reports.
However, we don’t take Wall Street research at face value. Our investment team critically analyzes these reports to find promising opportunities that may be overlooked.
We evaluate a wide range of securities:
Our alternative asset watchlist includes REITs, BDCs, SPACs, commodities, preferred shares, listed options, convertibles. We avoid illiquid private deals.
Ultimately, we combine quantitative analysis with decades of real-world experience navigating up and down markets. This perspective informs a prudent asset allocation approach aligned with each client’s needs.
We are committed to continuous rigorous research across asset classes to uncover timely investment ideas for our clients. Contact us to learn more about our methodical approach and discuss your portfolio.
Evaluating investment ideas and setting up your portfolio is just the start for Successful Portfolios. We actively monitor and adjust your portfolio to ensure it stays on track with your goals and risk tolerance. We use quantitative tools and human judgment to make timely and informed investment decisions.
We communicate with you regularly to update you on your portfolio performance and any changes we make. We also review your portfolio with you periodically to ensure it reflects your current situation and preferences. We are always available to answer your questions and address your concerns. Contact us today to learn more about how we monitor and adjust your portfolio to help you achieve your financial goals.
Get an expertly tailored investment portfolio custom to your needs. Book a free consult to secure retirement income, reduce taxes, and safely grow wealth.
Get an expertly tailored investment portfolio custom to your needs. Book a free consult to secure retirement income, reduce taxes, and safely grow wealth.
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