Successful Portfolios Earns Five Star Rating

Successful Portfolios has earned the highest possible rating from, a trusted source of unbiased and transparent information on financial advisors. Each month, analyzes the latest regulatory data from the SEC IAPD database of over 17,000 US-based RIAs.

Your Guide to Individual Investment Policy Statements (IPS)

Investment Policy Statements

Investment Policy Statements (IPS) have long been considered a key component of managing institutional portfolios. However, individual investors often overlook the importance of establishing a comprehensive IPS to guide their personal investment decisions. Recognizing this gap, the CFA Institute’s “Elements of an Investment Policy Statement for Individual Investors” is a valuable resource for those looking to create a structured and disciplined approach to managing their investments.

Retirement Planning

Planning for retirement can sometimes feel like navigating through a maze. Decisions about current and future income, expenditures, taxes, and estate planning can seem overwhelming. Furthermore, the unpredictability and volatility of the financial markets can add to this stress. So, how can you secure a financially stable and enjoyable retirement?

How to Trade Momentum and Volatility in the Stock Market

Hello, fellow investors and aspiring traders! Today we will explain how stock price momentum and volatility are related and why you should care about them. You’ve probably heard the adage, “What goes up must come down,” right? Well, it turns out that this applies to stocks as well. Let me show you how.

Core-Satellite Investment Strategy

When it comes to achieving your financial goals, diversifying your portfolio, reducing costs and taxes, and potentially outperforming the market, the core-satellite investment strategy is worth considering. This strategy combines passive and active investing techniques, including thematic investing and stock picking, to optimize your portfolio’s performance. However, the value of collaborating with a well-qualified fiduciary advisor cannot be overstated. While DIY investing can be tempting, working with an experienced professional provides invaluable guidance and support.

A Systematic Approach to Trend Following: Pacer Trend Pilot ETFs

Trend following is a popular trading strategy that seeks to capitalize on market movements in a specific direction over time. Instead of attempting to predict future price levels, trend followers adjust their positions according to the current trend. The Pacer Trend Pilot ETFs offer a systematic approach to trend following using a rules-based methodology to switch between equity and treasury exposure based on the trend’s strength. This approach seeks to reduce risk by selling stocks when the market declines.

Mastering the Art of Position Sizing: The Key to Unlocking Portfolio Diversification and Risk Management

Position sizing is a critical concept in portfolio management and diversification. It refers to the process of determining the appropriate amount of capital to allocate to a specific investment or asset within a portfolio. Position sizing is essential for managing risk, optimizing returns, and achieving a well-balanced investment portfolio that reflects an investor’s risk tolerance, objectives, and time horizon.

Why Invest in Gold without a Bullion or Coin Dealer?

How to Profit from Gold

Investing in gold has long been considered a safe haven and a hedge against inflation. However, when it comes to purchasing gold, investors face the choice between buying physical gold from coin or bullion dealers and investing in gold ETFs through a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) like Successful Portfolios. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of choosing a gold ETF with the help of Successful Portfolios over physical gold and why it may be the more intelligent choice for your investment portfolio.

How Our Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Pros Help You Reduce Taxes in Retirement

Retirement planning can be a complex process. Minimizing your taxes in retirement isn’t easy. Our Certified Financial Planner Professionals can help you navigate the tax landscape and ensure you’re making the most of your retirement nest egg. Intelligent tax planning requires optimal sequencing of deposits and withdrawals from qualified accounts and knowing when to claim social security benefits. Be sure to download our free Key Financial Data 2022 Fact Sheet at the end of this post for quick reference on current tax brackets and other vital financial information.