Rate of Return Calculator - Eye-Opening Worksheet 2024


With our free, easy-to-use rate of return worksheets, you can use Excel to learn how to calculate the Rate of Return (ROR, TWR, MWR, Rule of 72, FV) on your investment portfolio. Here’s what you can learn to calculate:

  • Total Return (TR) on an asset or portfolio;
  • Annualized Return (AR), Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Annualized Percent Yield (APY) , or Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR);
  • Total Rate of Return (ROR) from CAGR, APR, APY or AR;
  • Number of days  between dates;
  • Time Weighted Return (TWR) as used by most money managers;
  • Money Weighted Return (MWR) or Internal Rate of Return (IRR) using the XIRR() function in Excel;
  • Rule of 72 return estimates – scroll to the end to get our bonus “Rule of 72” worksheet and primer.

👉 Download the Rate of Return Worksheet.


Did you know that an investor might earn a positive time-weighted rate of return yet have a negative money-weighted rate of return?

TWR and MWR are identical unless there are interim deposits and withdrawals. Size matters. Timing matters. Many investors don’t understand the various methods and tools used to calculate return on investment. With our free Excel template, you can calculate various return measures for a stock, bond, mutual fund, ETF, other asset, or portfolio. Successful Portfolios insightful and educational rate of return worksheet is available for instant, free download.

Now read How to Calculate the Internal Rate of Return on an Annuity or Pension.

Questions? Call or text Parker Evans, CFA, CFP, (727) 282-5556.


The Rule of 72 Primer

Get the “Rule of 72” rate of return worksheet download.

Rule of 72 Primer